PTA Executive Board Election - Please Vote!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

On Apr 14, 2021, our school's first PTA meeting was held where two significant things occurred - a PTA was set (vs a PTO) as that was that was the majority's desire and a tentative board was set.  A subsequent search was held to solicit any other volunteers who would like to serve in a leadership capacity and as such, we require an election.  Please cast your vote below for our PTA executive board.  The last day to vote is Fri, Apr 30.  Thank you!

PTA Executive Board Ballot

Band / Orchestra Survey

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Attention Band and Orchestra Students!

Can you please complete this survey to help our band and orchestra teachers (Ms. Olson and Mr. Taylor) best prepare for you?  You may have already filled this out as this survey was sent directly to families who signed up back in December - but if we missed you, please complete it now.  Many thanks!

Band / Orchestra Survey

First PTA / PTO meeting

Submitted by alison.hansen on

PTA / PTO meeting - Wed, Apr 14, 3:00 pm at Meadow Brook Elementary

While all are welcome to this meeting, the intended audience is for those parents who expressed interest in serving in a leadership capacity on a survey sent directly to all patrons of Spring Canyon Middle School.  If you did not receive the survey and are interested in serving in a leadership capacity, please reach out to Principal Alison Hansen at alison.hansen [at]  

At this meeting, we will determine if we are going to be a PTA or a PTO as well as organize ourselves into nominating committees to elect leadership so we can move forward as an effective parent organization.  

7th gr Immunizations

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Attention 7th graders!

Students coming into 7th gr will need new immunizations before school begins in August.  As you schedule child well-checks this Spring and Summer, make sure to get your child immunized!  The flyer below contains details of 12-year-old immunizations.  

Immunization Flyer