Curiosity Class With the Save!

Submitted by travis.moss on

Our curiosity class recently had the opportunity to solve a real world problem within a short amount of time.  One of our students lost their shoe on the roof of the 1300 Hall entrance way as he was playing soccer and his shoe came off while kicking the ball.  Unfortunately that entrance roof is inaccessible but that did not stop the curiosity class!  Within a few minutes of brainstorming and some quick math, they had configured a system of yards sticks, tape, string and a pair of plyers that Mr. Smith (our night custodian) used to fish the shoe from the entrance roof!

Pack Leaders - September 13th

Submitted by kate.elliott on

There are some truly amazing students at Spring Canyon who know what it means to be Positive, Accountable, Courageous and Kind!  This week teachers nominated kids they noticed representing our values. Congratulations pack leaders: Lily Carlson, Peyton Hansen, Kamryn Whitney, Charlotte Tuttle, Benjamin Larson, Lyla O'Brien, Jazlaine Perez, Houston Hippach, Bing Davis, Camila Pagan, Westley Sedgwick, Landon King, Anders Folkman, Cosette Johnson, Izzy Decker, Katie, Thorpe, Evangelinne VanZwol, Linnkin Cluff, Ryan Faye, Kenneth Neel, Kathy Cabanas, Luke Tanstrum.


Submitted by kate.elliott on

The Stand For Kind organization brought a wonderful message from Jesse LeBeau about working hard for your dream. He told students that even though there may be obstacles, you can work hard and achieve your dreams.  Students then heard from the band Telehope who rocked the house and talked to students about the importance of surrounding yourself with friends who are kind to you and to everyone. These amazing bandmates have been friends since they were in middle school!  Their message of hope and kindness was inspiring to us all! 

Spirit Week - Dress Alike

Submitted by kate.elliott on

We had so many students who dressed up like their friends!  Spring Canyon Wolves have lots of spirit!  Tomorrow don't forget to wear your crazy socks or your crocs - and show your courage by saying "Hi" to someone you don't know yet!