Online Registration & Course Selection
Complete Online Registration (see below).
Watch for emails from the school as additional steps are sometimes required.
You may be required to provide Proof of Residence (or Spanish Version).
Complete course selection forms (see below). Once complete, either email form to (registrar) or bring it to school. While the form itself is ideal, you can even snap a picture of the completed form and send it in. Students will be placed in classes once registration is complete.
Course Selection Forms
Note: This is primarily for New-to-Nebo (and/or New-to-Spring Canyon) students who are enrolling shortly before or during the school year and would not have been enrolled in either our school or in one of our feeder elementary schools the spring previous to the new school year beginning. Most incoming students complete course selection forms in the spring of their 5th or 6th gr year in preparation for the following school year when they will be in 6th and 7th gr at SCMS.
For Chinese and Spanish Dual-Immersion students, please contact the counseling office for your course selection forms, they are slightly different.