Submitted by kate.elliott on

Next week we will have our first spirit week.  Students can participate in all of the fun activities planned for next week. 

Monday:  Positive videos at lunch

Tuesday:  Group Dress Up Day - Make a plan with friends to dress up the same or wear something Blue or Silver like our PACK.

Wednesday:  Crocs and Socks - Wear your favorite pair of crocs or your favorite crazy socks. 

Thursday: Teacher Student Swap Day - Students wear teacher clothes and teachers wear student clothes


Submitted by kate.elliott on

Mr. Larry Thorson's classes were learning about the importance of collaboration and teamwork today and how working together makes a project better as they can talk about all of the ideas the group has and then build on the ideas to create something amazing. 


Submitted by kate.elliott on

The PTA Reflection Contest is ongoing with October 4th being the last day to submit your entry. Think about the theme of Accepting Imperfection and create your project today! See the flyer for more details. 

Friday School Spirit

Submitted by travis.moss on

We had a great time this past Friday!  We love seeing our student ROCK their PACK gear on Fridays!  

We have school shirts available in the front financial office for purchase for $5 (Ms. McMullin can help you in a jiffy)!

or...We have a school swag website where you can choose something to buy that is a little different as well

See you on Fridays with your PACK gear!

EGGcelent experiment

Submitted by travis.moss on

Our 6th grade STEM students are enjoying an eggcelent activity where they observe the changes in an Egg as it is placed in vinegar for 3 days and then Karo Corn Syrup.

Huge shoutout to our amazing science scholars and our STEM teachers for "hatching" up a fun way to get our students observing and wondering about the world around them!

Pack Leaders

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Congratulations to the PACK Leaders at SCMS who were honored for showing up as Positive, Accountable, Courageous and Kind!

Welcome Assembly

Submitted by kate.elliott on

We had an amazing assembly to welcome back students and to help them learn the PACK way!  We have amazing students here at Spring Canyon and we are so excited to be on this learning journey together!