This is Me

Submitted by brittany.lundell on

Mark your calendar's the first Spring Canyon Choir Concert of the year is November 17th, 6:30 in the Cafetorium. You wont want to miss what is going to be a fantastic concert. These students have been working so hard and cant wait to show off their talents!

School PTA Fundraiser!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Our school PTA is hosting its 2nd annual fundraiser to raiser funds for the school.  Our PTA does so many wonderful things to support our students, teachers, and school community as a whole.  They are doing a direction donation system where each student will receive a flyer (extra copies found here) where parents can fill it out with the amount donated.  You can also donate directly

November Intramural info and permission slips

Submitted by brittany.lundell on

We have 3 different intramural clubs starting up in November. Math club, Meditation club, and Theater Workshop. All permission slips are due by November 1st. If you would like to participate in any of them you will find information below.

Math club with Mrs. Lane

Times/Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays (November 1,3,8,10,15,17, 29 and December 1 and from 3:15-4 p.m.
